Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weight Gain...Tis the Season

Hello Fellow Followers!!!!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Mine was wonderful - Spent a few days in Dallas Texas visiting with my husband's family...Not just the family but the weather as well...80 degrees two of the four days we were there - makes coming home to Ohio not so fun.

I am happy to report that I managed to come out of Thanksgiving unscathed!!!  No weight gain for me!!!!  YES!

But I didn't lose any either =( 

Who wants to work out when you are on vacation??? Now I can only hope the same goes for Christmas..See Christmas is a little trickier because instead of one day of eating horrible for you yet - delicious food - you have 25!  More if you count starting now.

So here is my plan starting tonight when I get home so I can enjoy some of the deliciousness of the holiday - I am restarting...

Crazy - why yes I am!  Last time I did this I only lasted a little over a week...It's that tough! I plan on doing the "Lean" program as I am not looking to get BUFF - but LEAN!  I hope to keep y'all (as they say in Texas) posted on my progress!  Wish me luck!!!!

What are your plans for keeping the weight from creeping up on you during the holiday's?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Take that Mr. Treadmill...

Happy Wednesday!  
 "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. - Tommy Lasorda"
I am in an unusually good mood this morning.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was able to get up and make it two days in a row on the treadmill!

Take that Treadmill - you thought you wouldn't get used! =)

People say that when you work out you feel that I have gotten on the treadmill two days in a row...I kinda do feel better!  Do I feel skinny and sexy?  No, that will come with time (and about a 25lb weight loss).  But I do feel..accomplished - which is a GREAT feeling.

My workout wasn't a "hard" one today as I really want to ease back into things to avoid injury.  Now to avoid the bad things - Candy, sugar - CRAP food!  I am normally not a bad eater at all, but I go through stages where I can't get enough junk food (as do all women I am sure)! So today when I get the urge to eat that candy bar at 2pm I am going to drink a nice cold glass of water and wait...If I still want that candy bar after that then I will have just a bite and throw the rest away.

What do you do to avoid the cravings that you encounter throughout the day?  Any tricks you would like to share?

Treadmill - A quick run to get my heart rate going - 1.25 miles in 15 minutes (sadly that is a personal record for me)
Weights - 20 reps at 10lbs of various bicep work
Total work out time - 30 min.
Estimated Calories burned = 231

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daylight Savings Time = Fitness Blessing?

Hello folks!! I have totally been MIA and I wish I could say it was because I was so busy busting ass at the gym..But let's be realistic...I wasn't! 


I did run on the treadmill this morning so YAY ME! 

Most people like Daylight Savings for one reason - one extra hour of sleep. Well my body doesn't work that way.  I wish I could say I take advantage of that extra hour by sleeping but I just can't!  My body wakes up at the same time everyday regardless.  So for me this has actually been a benefit, I am up so why not hit the gym?  Now I have only taken advantage of this once and that was this morning.  Hopefully I will keep it up. I don't see why I wouldn't, like I said in other posts I pretty much have a full gym in my basement!  Take a look for yourselves...
Take note at the lovely TV I *made* my husband put up so I would work out more.

More than enough free weighs and even a Smith Machine
As you can see my basement if more than equipped for me to get in the best physical shape possible.  I am hoping that extra hour will help get me motivated! 

So on that note - I am off to drink some more water and work out a fitness plan - What have all you lovely people been up to?  Running, weight lifting, eating (don't worry I won't judge!)  Hopefully everyone has been good about staying out of the Halloween candy!  I wish I could say I have been but I have dipped into it once...or twice!

Happy Tuesday Folks!