Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daylight Savings Time = Fitness Blessing?

Hello folks!! I have totally been MIA and I wish I could say it was because I was so busy busting ass at the gym..But let's be realistic...I wasn't! 


I did run on the treadmill this morning so YAY ME! 

Most people like Daylight Savings for one reason - one extra hour of sleep. Well my body doesn't work that way.  I wish I could say I take advantage of that extra hour by sleeping but I just can't!  My body wakes up at the same time everyday regardless.  So for me this has actually been a benefit, I am up so why not hit the gym?  Now I have only taken advantage of this once and that was this morning.  Hopefully I will keep it up. I don't see why I wouldn't, like I said in other posts I pretty much have a full gym in my basement!  Take a look for yourselves...
Take note at the lovely TV I *made* my husband put up so I would work out more.

More than enough free weighs and even a Smith Machine
As you can see my basement if more than equipped for me to get in the best physical shape possible.  I am hoping that extra hour will help get me motivated! 

So on that note - I am off to drink some more water and work out a fitness plan - What have all you lovely people been up to?  Running, weight lifting, eating (don't worry I won't judge!)  Hopefully everyone has been good about staying out of the Halloween candy!  I wish I could say I have been but I have dipped into it once...or twice!

Happy Tuesday Folks!


Keri Grzeslo said...

What happened to the arcade? If we still lived there I'd pay you my gym membership and come and work out in your basement!

Lisa said...

The arcade is still there just on the other side and downsized drastically. If you still lived here I wouldn't even charge you to use it just so I had company ;)